- Enseignant: May Manal BOUNIF

Recent years have seen a growing production of publications expressing concern about the predominance of English in scientific publications and academic exchange. Universities have been notable beneficiaries of this investment.
The use of English as an international scientific language is now well documented and very important. In order to publish a research article in top journals, you need to have extensive knowledge of English in addition to the research content. English has been the language of choice for many international scholarly journals.
This module entitled Scientific English allows you to exchange relatively complex information, express and support your opinions. The course is divided into a set of learning units that allow you to read, understand and summarize a scientific text in your academic field.
- Enseignant: ensei gnant
- Enseignant: Salma ALEB
- Enseignant: Oussama OULD MAAMAR

Ce module de démonstration est conçu selon la charte d'organisation exigée par la commission nationale de l'enseignement supérieure à distance (CNEAD), afin d'illustrer à l'enseignant tous les éléments nécessaires dans un module sur Moodle.
- Enseignant: Oussama OULD MAAMAR
- Enseignant: Azzaz RACHID